Thursday, May 2, 2024
what is liquidity

The Importance of Liquidity in Forex Trading

As a trader gets started in forex trading, one of the first advantages they’re likely to come across is how much liquidity the...
binance register 3

How to Buy EOS Tokens on Binance

EOS is the sixth largest coin in the world by market capitalization, with a total token supply worth almost $5 billion at this...
example of greed in trading EUR/USD

How to Control Greed When Trading

Greed is a natural human emotion that affects individuals to varying degrees. Unfortunately, when viewed in the context of trading, greed has proven...
Currency correlation is used by traders for hedging and diversification

Using Currency Correlation in Forex Trading

What is currency correlation? Currency correlation, or forex correlation, denotes the extent to which a given currency is interrelated with another, helping traders understand...

List of VeChain Partnerships | UseTheBitcoin

VeChain is a platform which was created to enhance the management of the supply chain processes. It enables retailers and consumers to determine...
Interest Rates and the Forex Market

Interest Rates and the Forex Market

There’s a strong correlation between interest rates and forex trading. Forex is ruled by many variables, but the interest rate of the currency...
How Ethereum Works - CoinDesk

How Ethereum Works – CoinDesk

Now that we've covered what ethereum is, let's dive deeper into how the platform functions under the hood. Consider the online notebook application described...
margin in forex displayed using bar chart

Using Margin in Forex Trading

Margin is the minimum amount of money required to place a leveraged trade. Closely linked to margin is the concept of margin call...
Central Bank of England

The Bank of England: A Forex Trader’s Guide

The Bank of England: A Forex Trader’s Guide The Bank of England (BOE) is the UK’s central bank. Their mission is to promote and...


Could Bitcoin (BTC) Scale Back Even Further? Analyst Thinks Crypto Needs To

Could Bitcoin (BTC) Scale Back Even Further? Analyst Thinks Crypto Needs...

Bitcoin Bull Market Might Not Have Started Bitcoin (BTC) is very cyclical. Over its ten years as a tradable asset, it has followed a...