
Justin Sun has been known to make great efforts in drumming up support for TRX. Justin is the founder and current CEO of the Tron Foundation. The foundation is the creator of the fast-expanding Tron (TRX) network.  TRX is the crypto token of the network. In his latest effort during the launch of the Tron Virtual Machine, Justin claimed that when it comes to matters decentralization, Tron wins hands-down against both Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Explaining further, Justin went on to inform that the main reason for his claim lies in the fact that the mining power of Bitcoin and Ethereum is under the control of a large mining pool, saying that the Tron network is doing way better than the two great cryptos in that aspect. He pointed out that with Tron, the Super Representatives call the shots.

Tron Has Super Representatives

The Tron network has 27 elected SRs from all around the world, and they all hold equal voting rights. The Tron Foundation doesn’t interfere with the elections and doesn’t even take part in it. That goes to suggest that the foundation doesn’t hold any hard grips on its network. Basically, this is what decentralization is all about.

To better bring his point home, Justin said that Super Representatives would be demoted and terminated as Tron’s network representatives if they fail to deliver in producing blocks. He also pointed out that this kind of scenario has happened before.  Currently, there are 14 SRs in the US, 7 in China, and 1 each for Vietnam, Romania, South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, and Germany. There are now about 100 candidates contesting for SR positions. Sesameseed is leading the pack.

The Role Of Super Representatives

The 27 elected SRs represent the whole Tron community and take on a huge role in the general governance structure within the Tron network. They perform calculations and validation tasks as well as act as the guardians of the network.

To keep its SRs well motivated, the Tron Foundation will be awarding the well-performing SRs. The winners will be given trophies, and announcements will be made about them to ensure they keep the good memory of the winning moment. In an earlier announcement, Justin Sun said that the awards will be given to the first-time elected SRs and those who get elected constantly for more than 30 days.




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