WolfpackBOT is an unconventional trading software that is designed to take cryptocurrency trading bots to the next level and popularize the adoption of Masternode Blockchain Technology.
WolfpackBOT Automated Trading Software
WolfpackBot is an advanced cryptocurrency trading software that makes crypto trading activities faster and more accurate through proprietary trading algorithms, proprietary “Werewolf” Trading Analysis configurations, and customizable settings based on a user’s unique trading style. The software further enables traders to efficiently trade in multiple cryptocurrency exchanges available to the bot simultaneously.
This trading software is integrated with a limit, market, and “Wolf Trade” orders on all trading candles, including one-minute candles, offering an array of technical trading indicators on the market.
Furthermore, WolfpackBOT is the only trading bot in the world to feature live price scanning on exchange candles and handles partial fills with utmost efficiency. The software has the capability of executing upwards of 10,000 trades per day based on market conditions and subscription package.
Subscription Package Plans
The trading software offers three subscription packages payable in WOLF
Price in WOLF
USD 40
USD 65
USD 100
Wolfcoin Blockchain
The Wolfcoin is the currency that serves as the fuel for the products that are developed within the WolfpackBOT ecosystem. It is basically a Proof of Work X11 Blockchain that is reinforced with masternoding capabilities. It acts as a utility coin that is redeemable for WolfpackBot subscriptions, the WolfpackBOT hardware console, and WolfpackBOT and Wolfcoin apparel and merchandise. This utility, along with Proof of Work mining and Wolfcoin’s Masternode reward system, optimizes the use of Wolfcoin. Following the end of the WolfpackBOT Crowdsale, Wolfcoin will serve as the exclusive payment method for WolfpackBOT subscriptions.
Wolfcoin X11 Blockchain Specifications
Following are the primary specifications of the Wolfcoin:-
Coin Name: Wolfcoin
Coin Ticker: WOLF
Coin Standard: Proof of Work / Masternode (PoW/PoSe)
Maximum Theoretical Limit (by 2068): 1,000,000,000 (1 Billion)
Pre-mined: 30% Distributed in all stages of WolfpackBOT Crowdsale
Genesis Block: 300,000,000
Available in Crowdsale: 240,000,000
Algorithm: X11
Block Time: 60 Seconds
Masternode Collateral: 10,000 Wolfcoins
Reward Distribution: 80% Masternodes / 20% Proof of Work
Developer Fee: None
Governance: Yes
X11 Hash Algorithm
X11 is a popular hashing algorithm that leverages a set of eleven scientific hashing algorithms for the proof-of-work. It ensures the transparency in the distribution is fair and ascertains that coins are distributed in the same manner that the coins were originally intended to be allocated.
Furthermore, it is the name of the chained proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm that is somewhat inspired by the chained-hashing approach of Quark. It uses multiple rounds of 11 various hashes including blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, and echo, thereby making it one of the most secure and advanced cryptographic hashes.
Why the Need of an X11 Algorithm?
Owing to the complexities of the chained algorithm, the X11 algorithm ensures maximum security compared to a single-hash PoW network. It also protects the network against the risk associated with SPOF (Single Point of Failure). The reliability that this hash offers creates confidence amongst the users that single-hash algorithms often fail to provide. Along with maximized security, it also offers longevity for wealth storage.
WolfpackBOT – Extending Reliability and Security in the Crypto Landscape
Cryptocurrency trading is certainly rewarding but the domain is highly precarious. It requires traders to possess strong knowledge of the financial market; however, WolfpackBOT has extended a revolutionary trading system that helps traders of all expertise levels successfully trade Cryptocurrencies with ease. Automating the trading process allows traders to gain valuable insights of the market in real-time and make reliable and profitable trading decisions.
Users can now download the Wolfpack PaperBOT from https://www.wolfpackbot.com . This FREE version of WolfpackBOT’s software allows users to test strategies and take the world’s most advanced cryptocurrency trading bot for a test-drive by simulating live trading on exchanges without risking their hard earned capital.